EMB Conference "EMBCON ’19"
Merhabalar, 11-12 Mayıs 2019 tarihlerinde Medipol Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşecek kendi alanlarında uzmanlanmış bilim insanlarını, mühendisleri ve girişimcileri ağırlayacağımız, ingilizce sunumlardan ve eğitimlerden oluşacak "EMBCON’19" etkinliğimiz
More than 12,000 members in 97 countries, "the world's largest biomedical engineers community" as a community bearing the adjectives 11 to 12 May 2019 date in will take place and hosted undertaken by the Istanbul Medipol University "EMB Conference (EMBCON) "As mentioned in the vision and mission of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), it is important to be able to bring together two very valuable fields, such as" health "and" engineering " people will also be able to participate. With EMBCON our aim is bringing students in Turkey at different universities who want to work in fields related Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering with the expert members about this subjects and create to both socially and a scientific-sharing environment. While we provide a platform that brings together scientists, engineers and managers from various disciplines, we help to provide the person with the Network, and we aim inform to our participants discussed about the most interesting scientific topics. Professors, associate professor, doctors and managers who will speak during the sessions will talk about the scientific experiences they have conducted and the experiences they have experienced in their academic and manager life and will answer the participants questions. At the same time, the professors and associate professors will give workshops and trainings about most interesting and curious scientific subjects.
Our conference that will be organized, we will develop the health field by finding solutions to the problems by bringing together our speakers from various departments.
Ayrıntılar ve Müracaat: http://embsconferenceturkey.com/
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